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About agriculture during the Polish-Czech Intergovernmental Consultations


The topics of today’s Polish-Czech talks with the participation of Mr. Robert Telus, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Mr. Marek Výborný, Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, included the current, difficult market situation, objections to the reduction targets for plant protection products and the cooperation on animal welfare. The meeting was part of the Polish-Czech Intergovernmental Consultations headed by the Prime Ministers of both countries which were held in Katowice.

A joint photo of the participants in the meeting (Photo by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

The aim of the meeting

The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the Polish-Czech cooperation and discuss important issues in the scope of agriculture and the current EU agenda.

Talks about the difficult market situation

Minister Robert Telus stressed that the problem of excessive imports of agricultural products from Ukraine wood sooner or later affect other countries, too, and that, therefore, European solidarity and an enhanced dialogue of the countries in our part of Europe were needed. Minister Robert Telus encouraged the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic to join the work of the so-called coalition of frontline states, i.e. the five countries which promote together the interests of our farmers vis-à-vis the European Commission.

“Given the scale of the problem, Poland and the countries of the region believe that the preventive measures which are expected to apply only until 15 September 2023 should be extended until the end of the year,” Minister Robert Telus noted.

Moreover, Minister Robert Telus stressed that pressure should be exerted on the EU Member States and the European Commission to work out effective, flexible tools to improve the transit by land and to seal the solidarity lanes.

“Already today, we must talk not only about addressing the present difficult situation, but also about working out long-term tools and mechanisms which will ensure fair terms of competition for farmers in the countries of our region. We must begin a discussion on what the future membership of Ukraine in the EU will mean for our farmers, who will have to compete with a country with such a huge agricultural potential,” Minister Rober Telus said.

Objections to the reduction targets for plant protection products

Another topic of the talks was the proposal for a Regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products. The Ministers stressed that Poland and the Czech Republic expressed similar objections to the proposal.

“We should seek to work out a common position to be presented as part of the work at the Council level,” Minister Robert Telus stressed.

Poland cannot accept the shift onto the Member State level of the 50% reduction targets and the risk related to their use as set out in the Farm to Fork Strategy. We also have objections to the proposal for a complete ban on the use of plant protection products in sensitive areas and to mandatory advice.

The cooperation on animal welfare

Moreover, the Ministers talked about the revision of the legislation on animal welfare. They agreed that in the present economic situation legislative amendments concerning animal welfare should be introduced gradually and prudently. Appropriately long transitional periods are needed to enable the animal production in the particular UE Member States to be aligned with the new requirements and the diversity of the geographical conditions and animal production systems in the EU should be taken into account.

“Poland demands that imported commodities should be subject to the same welfare requirements as those that apply to the animal production in the EU,” Minister Robert Telus noted.


In summing up the talks, the Ministers stressed that in the present political situation unity and solidarity in the face of common threats and problems were crucial. They declared their readiness to cooperate at the EU level in the interest of farmers in both countries.

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