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Dialogue is the foundation of all relationships


Today, Minister of Agriculture Czesław Siekierski and Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solskyi met online to talk. This was the first meeting between the new Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and his Ukrainian counterpart.


In response to the Ukrainian minister’s suggestion to hold longer bilateral talks, the Polish minister offered an earlier meeting of experts from both sides.

Minister Czesław Siekierski pointed out that the Polish border is simultaneously the border of the European Union, highlighting the fact that the opening of the EU-Ukraine negotiations will kickstart a series of debates concerning specific negotiation areas.

“Technical talks could serve as a preparation stage for our meeting, which could take place at the border,” said Minister Czesław Siekierski.

Minister Mykola Solskyi agreed to the proposal to hold technical talks, noting that the Ukrainian side is ready at any time.

Trade matters

“We are fully aware of the need to normalise trade between the European Union and Ukraine. Upon joining the European Union, Poland not only had to meet a number of conditions, but also could take advantage of transition periods. Ukraine will also have this opportunity,” the Polish minister pointed out.

At the same time, Minister Czesław Siekierski highlighted the opportunities for cooperation in agri-food processing sector.


The Polish Minister of Agriculture expressed hope that later this year or at the very beginning of next year, a joint briefing could take place on the issues that will be the focus of technical talks held by experts from both sides.

“Dialogue is the foundation of all relationships, the way of finding solutions fostering economic collaboration, which is important for you and for us as a core value of the European Union,” Minister Czeslaw Siekierski added.

The talks took place in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere and, at the end, the ministers exchanged Christmas greetings.

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