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Discussion with the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety


Henryk Kowalczyk, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Stella Kyriakides, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, had an on-line meeting today.

Deputy Prime Minister Henryk Kowalczyk

ASF and HPAI - regionalisation

It was the first meeting. The main topic of the meeting was the issue of regionalisation introduced in connection with the African swine fever (ASF) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

– Poland is ready to co-operate with and support the European Commission in its health and food safety activities – said Deputy Prime Minister Henryk Kowalczyk. The discussion took place in a good atmosphere which promises further constructive cooperation with the European Commission.

ASF-restricted regions

Deputy Prime Minister Henryk Kowalczyk said that Poland gives priority to the issue of preventing the dissemination of and combating ASF, acting in many fields in co-operation with many institutions. He also thanked the European Commission for the positive approach of its services to Poland's recent petitions for a change in regionalisation thanks to which many Polish farms were now in regions with less severe ASF restrictions.

However, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development underlined the need for an expert-level discussion on a possible amendment of the rules and criteria for ASF geographical regionalisation in the context of their simplification. Member States subject to such a regionalisation experience restrictions in the movement of pigs and pigmeat products as well as significant economic loss as it is impossible to export these goods.

Commissioner Kyriakides emphasised that the fight against ASF is our common concern, and a cross-border co-operation is needed. She pointed out that all Polish pig farms need to observe the biosecurity rules as there are large ASF regions in Poland, which causes serious economic difficulties.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza

Deputy Prime Minister Kowalczyk said that Poland pays much attention to the activities connected with combating HPAI. He informed that in September 2021 the Chief Veterinary Officer adopted “The National Strategy for Combating Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza”.

Poland carries out legislative works aimed at amending the regulations on biosecurity rules for poultry farms to increase their level of safety.

A systematic information campaign promoting the observance of biosecurity rules as a key element of HPAI prevention is also carried out among poultry farmers - Deputy Prime Minister Kowalczyk informed.

Commissioner Kyriakides, referring to the information presented by Poland, appreciated Polish efforts in combating avian influenza. She further proposed expert support of the EC in preventing HPAI. Deputy Prime Minister said that Poland has its own experience in this respect, yet the exchange of experience with the EC experts would be valuable for Poland.

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