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In Brussels, about the dairy sector in Europe


The aim of the Conference on the European Dairy Sector: Opportunities and Challenges, which was held in Brussels, with the participation of Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik, was to discuss the opportunities and challenges for the European dairy sector.


The main topics of the speeches included:

  • the dairy sector in the National Strategic Plan for the CAP;
  • the European dairy sector;
  • the current situation in the Polish dairy sector.

The potential of the Polish dairy sector

The Conference was an opportunity for presenting the potential of the Polish dairy sector and informing about the most important issues related to its development.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ryszard Bartosik informed that the Polish dairy sector kept pace with the changing market conditions, developing and maintaining its large competitiveness. It demonstrates the trends which dominate in the European and global dairy sectors.

The dairy sector in the Strategic Plan for the CAP

Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik presented how the dairy sector was addressed in the Polish National Strategic Plan for the CAP.

“The Polish Strategic Plan comprehensively takes into account the needs of the national dairy sector and the related agricultural activities,” Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik stressed.

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture informed that under the Plan milk producers could, just as previously, benefit on general principles from all the direct support instruments. At the same time, the Strategic Plan provides for the continuation of support instruments dedicated to milk producers.

Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik also added that in 2020 the measure called Animal Welfare  was launched for the first time as part of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.  From 2023 this measure is replaced by the eco-scheme called Animal Welfare as part of National Strategic Plan.

The Secretary of State also listed other important interventions, such as the preservation of endangered animal genetic resources in agriculture, the development of small farm holdings and bonuses for young farmers.  

The Conference

The Conference was organised by the Polish Chamber of Milk, in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland in Brussels and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The event was attended by the Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, along with other representatives of the European Commission, as well as persons from other Permanent Representations, i.e. agricultural and commercial counsellors. 

The Conference enjoyed large interest and was an opportunity for exchanging views among the representatives of the sector, the European Commission and the EU Member States.  

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