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Meeting with journalists from the USA and Canada


I am convinced that your visit will result in a positive image of Polish agriculture, one of very important sectors of the economy and export of our country—said the Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik, opening the meeting with journalists from the United States and Canada.


The Secretary of State stressed that well-developed crop and animal production and the highest standards of food quality and safety, which go hand in hand with competitive prices contribute to the significant potential of Polish agriculture.

The Deputy Minister emphasised that Poland is the EU's first producer and exporter of poultry, the sixth producer and the third exporter of beef in the European Union, the fourth producer and the seventh exporter of pork outside the EU customs territory, as well as the EU's largest and the world's fourth largest producer of apples.

The Secretary of State highlighted the value of the Polish agri-food export, which reached a record high of €34.3 billion in 2020. The Polish agri-food export to the US in 2020 reached €538.6 million and to Canada—€94.1 million. Animal products,mainly pork and fish,are particularly popular among both US and Canadian importers. The United States are the largest importer of Polish pork among non-EU countries. Pork is also one of the most important products in the agri-food export to Canada.

The Deputy Minister expressed hope for further, even more dynamic development of bilateral trade, which will be facilitated by gaining access to the US and Canadian markets for more categories of food products. The Secretary of State indicated that he was convinced that the procedures necessary to open the US market to Polish poultry meat would be completed quickly. The Deputy Minister also stressed the will to continue negotiations with the US services on beef export opportunities and to expand the catalogue of pork products. As far as crop products are concerned, we are waiting for the final decision to open up the possibility of exporting Polish apples and pears—said the State Secretary.

Journalists from the USA and Canada visited the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as part of a promotional mission organised by the Union of Producers and Employers of the Meat Industry (UPEMI). Numerous questions from the guests were answered by the veterinarian, Katarzyna Piskorz, Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer for the Safety of Food of Animal Origin and Animal Feed, Pharmacy and Disposal.

