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Polish-American cooperation in the field of agriculture


The TALL project, implemented by the Agricultural & Mechanical (A&M) University in Texas, was the major topic of today’s meeting of Undersecretary of State Adam Nowak with Professor Jim Mazurkiewicz and the representatives of the American agricultural sector participating in the programme.


About the TALL project

The objective of the TALL project is to establish lasting contacts between agricultural organizations in Poland and the USA and to create opportunities for young farmers to exchange their experience and knowledge. A group of American farmers visited the MARD as part of a study visit to Poland.

So far, more than 200 people from both countries have participated in the TALL programme. For many years, Professor Jim Mazurkiewicz has been involved in the development of Polish-American scientific and economic cooperation and since 2013 he has been conducting the exchange of young farmers from Poland and Texas.

Potential of Polish agriculture

The Deputy Head of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture Adam Nowak presented the general rules of the functioning of the Common Agricultural Policy and the achievements of the Polish agri-food industry since Poland’s accession to the European Union.

Deputy Minister Nowak stressed the key importance of ensuring food security and the stability of supply chains in the current geopolitical situation. He pointed out that Poland had become one of the leading producers of food in Europe, as evidenced by, inter alia, the record-breaking results of food export to foreign markets in 2023 (EUR 51.8 billion) and the high positive balance of trade.

The participants in the meeting devoted a lot of attention to the issue of agricultural advisory services and their impact on the maintenance and growth of profitability of farms.

Polish-American cooperation in the field of agriculture

Deputy Minister Nowak stressed the strong and lasting relations between Poland and the United States. The USA is our important trading partner and the third most important customer of Polish agri-food products among non-EU countries In 2023, the export of Polish food to the American market increased by 13%, reaching the level of EUR 869.8 million.

The Undersecretary of State Adam Nowak recognised Professor Jim Mazurkiewicz’s activity for the benefit of developing bilateral cooperation and improving skills of young farmers.

Professor Mazurkiewicz thanked Deputy Minister Nowak for receiving the delegation and presenting information about Polish agriculture. He also discussed projects implemented by the Texas A&M University in cooperation with Polish universities and scientific and research institutes supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Honouring the achievements of Professor Mazurkiewicz

The Secretary of State Jacek Czerniak presented Jim Mazurkiewicz, Professor of Texas A&M University, with the officer’s sword of the Meritorious Promoter of Agribusiness.

– Dear Professor, I would like to thank you for your excellent work for Poland, for Polish-American cooperation. You are the Ambassador of Poland to Texas – stressed the Secretary of State Jacek Czerniak, presenting the sword to the Laureate.

This honourable title has been given to him by the organisers of the nationwide competition Agro-Entrepreneur of the Republic of Poland.

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