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Polish-British discussions on food quality and safety


Minister Grzegorz Puda yesterday held discussions with George Eustice - the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (the UK equivalent of the Minister) on the quality of food produced in Poland. Minister Puda provided the British part with information on the measures implemented by Poland to ensure the highest quality and safety of Polish poultry products in the context of past Salmonella outbreaks in Polish poultry meat. The meeting was held in a remote formula.

Minister Grzegorz Puda

Minister Grzegorz Puda announced that he had taken direct charge of the clarification of the issue of Salmonella in Polish poultry meat.

- Despite the difficult pandemic situation, Poland will take all measures to minimise and eliminate the UK's concerns about the quality and safety of Polish poultry, the Minister assured.

The head of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that Great Britain - Poland's second largest trading partner in agri-food trade - is particularly important for Poland. He informed that currently the entire poultry production chain in Poland is under veterinary supervision.

Minister George Eustice was pleased to see that Poland's efforts are successful. - We note a significant improvement in the situation regarding Salmonella infections in poultry products, Minister Eustice said. He also informed that there are currently no plans to introduce import restrictions on poultry meat from Poland.

Minister Puda expressed hope for further dynamic development, despite brexit, of trade between Poland and the UK. He declared his readiness for dialogue, ongoing clarification of doubts and resolution of problems.

- Poland is ready to cooperate with the UK on the sequencing of the Salmonella genome in poultry products, Minister Grzegorz Puda said in response to a proposal from the UK to cooperate in this area.

The Ministers emphasised the constructive cooperation between the Polish and British veterinary services. They expressed their will to continue the dialogue, more frequent contacts and to strengthen the very good, long-term Polish-British cooperation in the field of agriculture.

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