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Polish-Egyptian talks


Mr. Hatem Tageldin, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Poland, was received by Mr. Ryszard Bartosik, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The purpose of their talks was to assess the status of the Polish-Egyptian cooperation in the field of agriculture and the prospects for its development.


Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik stressed that Poland highly appreciated its cooperation with the Egyptian partners. He expressed his hope that the international situation would allow Mr. Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, to pay his planned visit to Egypt this year. In the opinion of the Secretary of State, such a visit would give new momentum to the relations between our countries.

Poland’s position

The interlocutors agreed that the economic potential of both countries provided large opportunities for deepening their trade cooperation. Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik stressed that Poland, as an important food producer, was ready to expand its cooperation by increasing the volume and assortment of the products exported to the Egyptian market. He added that we were glad that the Egyptian consumers appreciated the quality and taste values of Polish fruit, particularly apples. According to the data on 2021, Egypt holds the position of the largest importer of Polish apples. The Polish producers of this fruit underline their interest in the continuation and deepening of this cooperation. The Deputy Minister pointed out that in order to intensify the trade the barriers hampering it needed to be eliminated.

Egypt’s position

Ambassador Hatem Tageldin informed that, in light of the geopolitical situation and a break in the previous food supply chains, the Egyptian Government was seeking alternative sources of wheat supplies to its country and that Egypt was interested in the launch of cooperation with Poland in this scope.

Opportunities for expanding cooperation

The interlocutors confirmed their mutual interest in the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland in the Scope of Research in the Field of Agriculture which was now under negotiation.

The talks also addressed the opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the scope of fisheries and aquaculture. Ambassador Tageldin stressed that Egypt was interested in concluding a  Memorandum of Understanding establishing a framework for enhanced cooperation in this scope. Talks are now underway on the detailed provisions of this document.

Foreign trade

Egypt is one of Poland’s important partners in field agricultural trade. In 2021, the value of the exports of agri-food products to Egypt was EUR 125.7 million. The main products exported to Egypt in 2021 included apples, pears and fresh quinces (54% of the value of the whole exports, with a 92% increase in the value of the apple exports), as well as sugar, cheeses and cottage cheeses.

In 2021, Poland imported agricultural products with the value of EUR 59.9 million from Egypt (mainly fruit and nuts, uncooked or steamed, citrus fruit, frozen, fresh or dried, and dried vegetables).

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