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Polish-Italian talks


Yesterday in Rome, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski met with the Italian Republic’s Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and Tourism, Teresa Bellanova.

Meeting with the Italian Republic’s Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and Tourism

The discussion was predominantly focused on the issues related to financing the Common Agriculture Policy in 2021–2027. The Minister presented Poland’s postulates with regard to the future of this policy, in particular the need to ensure that the CAP has proper funding and that direct payments are levelled out across EU Member States.

The minister pointed out that in the future the CAP will function in an EU market that is increasingly open to outside competition. At the same time, the CAP will continue with its current goals related to Europe’s food security, promoting sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas, as well as growing ambitions when it comes to committing to environment and climate protection. Achieving these goals requires adequate funding from the EU budget and that is why Poland does not agree to any real cuts to CAP funding.

‘Upholding the existing direct payment scheme functioning on the basis of criteria that were determined 30 years ago is not befitting of the challenges currently facing agriculture,’ stated minister Ardanowski.

‘There are no economic and social reasons for continued disproportions in the amount of support given to the different Member States. Moreover, this situation breeds unfair competition and is unjust, thereby posing a threat to a strong and solidarity-driven EU in the future,’ said the Polish minister.
