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Polish-Moldovan talks


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Henryk Kowalczyk talked today with Vladimir Bolea, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova, who was on a working visit to Poland, about the prospects for developing cooperation between the countries.


Expert support

Deputy Prime Minister Kowalczyk upheld the declaration made during the meeting with the Moldovan Minister for Agriculture in Berlin in January 2023 about his readiness to provide expert support to Moldova in the field of agriculture.

Regarding topics of interest to the Moldovan side, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development representatives presented information on the functioning of agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, industry associations and agricultural chambers in Poland.

Areas of interest of the Moldovan side

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea expressed his appreciation for the achievements of the Polish agricultural sector. The Moldovan side is very interested in Polish experiences from the EU accession process, e.g. in adapting Polish agriculture to EU requirements and restructuring the agricultural sector. The activities of the Polish side to support agrarian cooperatives are also interesting for the Moldovan partners.

Deputy Prime Minister Bolea presented the Moldovan side's plans to support the development of the agricultural sector. He added that this is essential because as much as 1/5 of Moldova's population lives in rural areas. Moldova sees excellent potential in implementing the LEADER approach.

Trade in agricultural and food products

Deputy Prime Minister Kowalczyk noted that an essential field for developing cooperation between countries is trading in agri-food products.

The Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister invited Deputy Prime Minister Kowalczyk to visit Moldova in October 2023.

In 2022, Poland exported agricultural goods worth EUR 67.4 million to Moldova. These were mainly cheese and cottage cheese, meat and edible poultry offal, pork, and processed, preserved and frozen vegetables.

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