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Polish-Romanian talks


Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik participated in the Polish-Romanian Intergovernmental Consultations in Bucharest, Romania, which were chaired by the Prime Ministers of both countries. During the Consultations, he talked with Mr. Sorin Moise, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen Polish-Romanian cooperation and discuss important issues in the scope of agriculture and the current EU agenda.


Difficult market situation

The Deputy Ministers of Agriculture of Poland and Romania agreed that the cooperation between the two countries became particularly topical in the context of the adverse impacts of excessive imports of agricultural products from Ukraine. Since they border on Ukraine, both countries are strongly affected by this  problem.

The Deputy Ministers recognised the need to launch aid for farmers from the EU crisis reserve resources and to take other urgent measures to resolve this difficult situation.

The Secretaries of State expressed their conviction that in light of this problem it might be valuable to strengthen the cooperation between Polish and Romanian agricultural organisations.

Talks about the Common Agricultural Policy

Another topic of the talks were the first experiences in the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy and its role in the context of the post-pandemic recovery and the war in Ukraine. Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik stressed that Poland hoped for an active exchange with Romania of information  and experiences from the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans, particularly in the area of new support instruments, eco-schemes or support to improve animal welfare.

Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik stressed that in Poland eco-schemes had been so designed as to enable small and medium-sized farms, mainly up to 50 hectares, to use them.

“We have tried – in accordance with the guidelines of the European Commission – to design eco-schemes in a way which was friendly to farm holdings,” the Secretary of State stressed. 

The proposal concerning a reduction in the use of plant protection products – reservations

Another topic of the talks was the proposal for a Regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products. The Deputy Ministers stressed that Poland and Romania had expressed similar reservations about the proposal, among others, concerning the need for the European Commission to complement the impact assessment or present quantitative analyses for this Regulation.

“We should seek to work out a common position to be presented as part of the work at the Council level,” Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik stressed.  

The Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Agriculture pointed out that Poland could not accept the shift onto the Member State level of 50 per cent of the target for the use and risk of plant protection products as laid down in the Farm to Fork Strategy. He added that Poland also had reservations about a total ban on the use of plant protection products in sensitive areas or mandatory advice.

Other areas of bilateral cooperation

Moreover, the Deputy Ministers talked about the opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the scope of agricultural education in secondary schools.

“Poland is open to the launch of talks with Romania on agricultural education in schools supervised by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,” the Polish Deputy Minister pointed out.


Summing up the talks, the Ministers stressed that in the present political situation the unity and solidarity in relation to common threats and problems were of key importance. They declared their readiness to speak with one voice at the EU level in the interest of farmers in both countries.

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