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Polish-Slovak talks


Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik met with a delegation from the Committee for Agricultural and Environmental Affairs of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, headed by Jaroslav Karahuta. The meeting was also attended by Vice-Chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the Polish Sejm Kazimierz Gwiazdowski, experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and a representative from the National Support Centre for Agriculture.

Meeting with Slovak delegation

The aim of the meeting, organised at the initiative of the Slovak Republic, was to strengthen bilateral contacts and exchange information, experience, and good practices with regard to the organisation of agricultural markets, shortening supply chains, and agricultural retail trade.

Poland and Slovakia declared their full readiness to continue good cooperation both bilaterally, within the framework of the Visegrad Group and in a format extended to include the countries of our region, to the benefit of the agricultural sector of each country.

Mr Karahuta stressed that Slovakia appreciates the successes of the Polish transformation and the direction of the measures implemented by Poland to strengthen and develop Polish farms, including those producing food on a small scale. He also greatly appreciates the efforts of EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski to shorten supply chains and develop local markets. This approach is fully in line with the European Green Deal and contributes to the implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy.

Poland informed that at the last meeting of the EU Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries in Brussels on 15 November it requested urgent action from the European Commission, i.e., the implementation of exceptional measures in the pork market and intervention to stabilise the difficult situation in the apple market. Poland also called on the European Commission to take firm and concrete steps to stabilise or temporarily compensate for the high costs of fertilizers, which will translate into stabilising input prices for farmers and food prices.

Poland and Slovakia underlined their will to intensify their cooperation, especially in terms of exchanging information on important legislative initiatives undertaken in both countries, so that the solutions worked out provide concrete support for farmers and serve best to build a strong agricultural sector in our countries.

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