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Polish-Ukrainian talks in Karpacz


Today, on the sidelines of the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Mr. Henryk Kowalczyk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Development, met with Mr. Mykola Solskiy, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. The main topic of their talks was the plan to prepare a project to build a pipeline for transport of plant oils from Ukraine to the Port of Gdańsk.


The main topic of the talks

The Ministers declared the involvement of both parties in the work on the pipeline project. They established the scope of work of the Polish-Ukrainian working group which will define the technical parameters, costs and conditions for the implementation of the project. They expressed their conviction that it would contribute to the economic development of both countries.

Access to the Ukrainian market

The Deputy Prime Minister also addressed the issue of the access of Polish agri-food products to the Ukrainian market. He noted progress in the gradual implementation by Ukraine of the regionalisation of Poland’s territory in terms of ASF. At the same time, he expressed his expectation that Ukraine would fully respect the principles of regionalisation consistent with the regulations of the European Union.

The transport issues on the common border

Minister Mykola Solskiy asked for further facilitations of the transports of Ukrainian agri-food products across the border with Poland. The head of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development confirmed that Poland was ready to support Ukraine in this scope and recalled the actions taken so far to facilitate plant health and veterinary inspections. Among others, he stressed that Poland was increasing the number of veterinary inspectors on the common border. He pointed out, however, that the separation of vehicles on the Ukrainian side was of key importance for improving the situation on the border. Its aim is to separate vehicles and ensure the fluid entry of trucks for plant health, veterinary and other inspections, including the designation of a separate traffic lane for empty trucks returning to Poland.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding

After the meeting the Ministers signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the joint preparation of the project to build a transboundary pipeline for transport of plant oils from Ukraine to the Port of Gdańsk.

The trade with Ukraine

Ukraine is an important partner of Poland in the trade in agri-food products. In 2021, the value of the imports from Ukraine was EUR 930.4 million. Poland’s exports to Ukraine mainly included: cheeses and curds (EUR 97.2 million, representing 12% of Polish agricultural exports to Ukraine), animal feed products, chocolate, processed products containing coca, as well as coffee.  

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