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Successive Polish-Ukrainian talks


Mr. Henryk Kowalczyk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, chaired the meeting with the participation of Mr. Mykola Solskiy, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Mr. Olexandr Kubrakov, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, as well as Mr. Andrzej Adamczyk, Minister of Infrastructure, and Mr. Michał Dworczyk, Minister – Member of the Council of Ministers and Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. The meeting was held yesterday evening at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.


Main issues

The Polish-Ukrainian talks focused on an analysis of the possibilities of further support for the transport of agricultural products out of Ukraine, mainly cereals, across its border with Poland.

Poland’s position

Deputy Prime Minister Henryk Kowalczyk assured that Poland was ready to continue to assist Ukraine, also by introducing facilitations which would enable Ukraine to export as large a quantity of cereals as possible. It is of crucial importance in the context of countering the threats to food security related to the war in Ukraine.

“Poland is ready to process Ukrainian cereals,” the Deputy Prime Minister stressed. At the same time, he informed about the facilitations of the border clearance of goods, especially in relation to the implementation of the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the Ministers of Poland and Ukraine of 16 May 2022.

The issue of dairy products and pastas

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development pointed out that Ukrainian partners still continued to be very important users of Polish agri-food products. He asked Minister Mykola Solskiy to restore the dairy products and pastas to the list of critical import goods.

Ukraine’s response

In this context, Ukraine explained that the list was planned to be repealed soon. Despite the war underway, Ukraine is committed to restoring normalcy, including in trade.

Veterinary cooperation

Mr. Krzysztof Jażdżewski, Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer, who was present at the meeting, informed about the audit of the Ukrainian veterinary service which was performed the previous week in relation to ASF. He also provided information about the plans for the development of veterinary cooperation with Ukraine.

Ukraine’s position

The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine thanked Poland for the fruitful cooperation and the assistance provided to date. He stressed that at present the priority for the Ukrainian economy, including agriculture, was to export as large cereal stocks as possible. He also presented information about the forecast harvests of cereals and oil plants in the new season. He pledged further cooperation to improve the capacity of border control points.

Effects of the talks

The Ministers of Infrastructure of Poland and Ukraine stressed the intensive contacts which they had the previous weeks. They discussed the possibilities of using Polish seaports. Due to the planned investments, it will be possible to enhance their trans-shipment capacity. The Ministers also agreed that it was necessary to cooperate in the railway sector in order to increase the volume of transports from Ukraine to the EU markets and to the global markets, as well as to strengthen the integration of the railway infrastructure of both countries.

As a result of the meeting, the Ministers of Agriculture and Infrastructure of Poland and Ukraine agreed as to the need for further close cooperation and coordination of actions taken by both parties.


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