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Talks on the Polish-Algerian cooperation prospects


Today, the Secretary of State Stefan Krajewski held a meeting with the Ambassador of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to Poland Mohamed Saleh Eddine Belaid. This was the first visit of Ambassador Belaid to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The talks explored the possibilities for extending the Polish-Algerian trading and developing cooperation in the field of science and research in agriculture. The meeting was also attended by the Chief Veterinary Officer Krzysztof Jażdżewski.

Meeting between the Secretary of State Stefan Krajewski and the Ambassador of Algeria (photo by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Position of Poland

Deputy Minister Krajewski assured that Poland remains interested in development of cooperation with Algeria in the field of agriculture.

– We consider Algeria as one of the priority and prospective trade partners and are ready to both increase the volume of agricultural export onto the Algerian market and to extend the product range – said the Secretary of State.

Lines of cooperation

The Deputy Head of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture expressed his hope for solving the problems with access of the Polish apples to the Algerian market. The Ambassador declared his willingness to help and take steps necessary to resolve this issue.

The Chief Veterinary Officer Krzysztof Jażdżewski stressed that the Polish veterinary services remain in direct contact with their Algerian counterparts. He informed also that the export from Poland to Algeria is based on a number of mutually agreed certificates, among others a certificate for slaughter cattle.

– We are interested in agreeing other veterinary certificates, among others for slaughter sheep. I hope that these issues will be discussed during the on-line meeting of the Veterinary Inspection of the Republic of Poland and its Algerian counterpart – said Krzysztof Jażdżewski.

According to Deputy Minister Krajewski, the currently negotiated memorandum of bilateral cooperation in agriculture may trigger an incentive to intensify the cooperation. He also pointed out at the possibilities for developing the Polish-Algerian cooperation in the area of science and research in agriculture.

Position of Algeria

The Ambassador of Algeria to the Republic of Poland agreed with Deputy Minister Stefan Krajewski that the potential of Polish-Algerian relations in the area of agriculture has still not been used in full. He expressed his hope for arranging the meeting of the Polish and Algerian Ministers of Agriculture in near future.

The meeting of the Polish-Algerian Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation scheduled for the end of this year or early 2025 may pose an opportunity.

The Ambassador welcomed the proposal of establishing the research and development cooperation in agriculture with interest. In his opinion, joint Polish-Algerian agricultural investments and project may also become a prospective area of cooperation. 

Polish-Algerian trading

In 2023, the value of export of agri-food products to Algeria exceeded EUR 251 million. Our main export products included milk and cream in powder and granules as well as tobacco, food preparations for infants, wheat and meslin.

In the first quarter of this year, the value of products exported to Algeria exceeded EUR 89 million. These included primarily milk and cream in powder and granules, tobacco, barley and food preparations for infants.

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