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Talks with the U.S. Ambassador on the transit of Ukrainian products


Today’s meeting between Mr. Robert Telus, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Mr. Mark Brzezinski, U.S. Ambassador, mainly concerned the actions to improve the transit of Ukrainian agri-food products through Poland’s territory. The Minister was accompanied by Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik.


Solidarity lanes

Minister Robert Telus informed about Poland’s active participation in the meetings at the European Union level on the transit of agricultural products from Ukraine through the solidarity lanes.

“The building of the solidarity lanes is the creation of tools to ensure that Ukrainian products can go outside the European Union, to the countries where they are needed,” the Minister said.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture also pointed out the need to expand the cereal storage and railway infrastructures. He encouraged the United States to become involved in projects to achieve this objective.

Extension of the import ban

Minister Robert Telus pointed out the need to extend the ban on the imports of wheat, maize, rapeseed and sunflower seeds from Ukraine to Poland after 15 September 2023. He stressed that the amounts of Ukrainian agricultural products transported in transit had recently grown. He indicated the readiness to provide further assistance to Ukraine in various fields, but without detriment to the Polish market.

The U.S. position

Ambassador Mark Brzezinski pointed out the large importance of ensuring the efficient course of the transit of agricultural products from Ukraine. He declared the readiness to analyse the possible forms of U.S support in this scope.

The meeting with the U.S. diplomat was also an opportunity for putting forth again the Polish proposals regarding the access of Polish food, among others, Polish apples and beef, to the U.S. market. The United States assured that further actions were taken in this scope.

Trade in agri-food products

The United States is one of Poland’s most important partners in agri-food trade.
In 2022, our exports to the United States reached a record value of EUR 770 million. For several years now, Polish chocolate, cocoa-containing products, pork, fish fillets and processed fish products have enjoyed the greatest popularity on the U.S. market.

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