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The Success of Pride of Poland


Perfinka, a mare, was auctioned off for €1,250,000 during the 51st Pride of Poland auction. The auction of the 9-year-old mare was won by a buyer from Saudi Arabia. Today, the Summer Sale auction begins – the last day of the National Arabian Horse Show in Janów Podlaski.

Pride of Poland 2020

“We have achieved a very satisfactory result, better than last year,” said Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, after the auction.

“After all, we were successful in organizing it, which was not so easy to do in this time of pandemic,” said the minister.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture also pointed out that the success of the 51st Pride of Poland auction indicates that some breeders and buyers in the world have already been convinced that the difficult situation of horse breeding in Poland is resolved.

“I think that we need to be much more open to horse leasing, because this mare, which fetched the highest price, was priced very low only two years ago, and yet nothing has changed in her shape, behaviour or movements. The leasing to an important breeder in the USA, the winning of championships overseas and the promotion of this horse made it possible to reach a sensational, absolutely unanticipated price – €1,250,000. These are the records that were set a few years ago,” said Minister Ardanowski.

During the 51st Pride of Poland auction, ten horses were sold for a total of 1,587,000.

Tomasz Chalimoniuk, the President of the Polish Jockey Club, pointed out that due to i.a. travel restrictions related to the pandemic, there were fewer buyers at the auction. However, the facilitations introduced, i.e. transmission of the auction on the Internet and the possibility of bidding by phone, worked well.

Apart from the Pride of Poland auction, the 42nd Polish National Arabian Horse Show also took place, during which nearly 140 horses from state studs and private breeders were presented.

Today, in Janów Podlaski, the Summer Arabian Horse Sale will take place, where 23 horses – 19 mares and four stallions – will be presented.

Photos (10)

Information on the publication of the document
Last updated on:
23.09.2020 16:29 Sławomir Mucha
First published on:
18.08.2020 11:21 Iwona Chromiak