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The visit to Qatar


Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik participated in the visit which Mr. Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, paid to Qatar in relation to the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries. Deputy Minister Ryszard held talks with the Minister of Urban Affairs of the State of Qatar on the possibility of developing agri-food trade with Qatar.


The Polish delegation headed by Mr. Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, participated in the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries. On the sidelines of the Conference, on 5 March 2023, a meeting with Mr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie, Minister of Urban Affairs of the State of Qatar, was held in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

The position of Poland

In the course of the meeting with Minister Al Subaie, Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik informed him that Poland was a major producer and exporter of agri-food products in the European Union and in the world. He added that since Poland’s accession to the EU the value of Polish agricultural exports had grown more than 7 times and reached almost EUR 48 billion in 2022 (according to initial data).

The Secretary of State stressed the interest of Polish companies in the Qatari market and the readiness to increase Polish agricultural exports to Qatar, including cereals, poultry products and fruit.

The position of Qatar

Minister Al Subaie informed that the State of Qatar sought to import food products from many sources and expressed his interest in the Polish agri-food offer. He also invited the Polish delegation to a working visit in order to present the achievements of local processors.

The Polish delegation at the Conference

In the course of his visit to Qatar, Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik also took part in a session on agriculture and rural development as part of the Private Sector Forum – one of the side events of the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries. President Andrzej Duda was the keynote speaker there.

The Polish President addressed the issue of support for the least developed countries in safeguarding food security. He said that Poland was ready to share its experiences in the modernisation of the food sector. He pointed out the possibility of developing the trade relations with Poland.

Other meetings

After the end of the panel, Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik also participated in the meetings of President Duda with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Mozambique.

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