Conference of the Paying Agencies of the Baltic States and Poland in Latvia, Riga 13-15 September 2023
The Conference of the Paying Agencies of the Baltic States and Poland was held between 13 - 15 September 2023. This year, venue of the conference was in Riga, the capital of Latvia. Representatives of Paying Agencies from Poland, Lithuania and Estonia visited the Rural Support Service of Latvia to participate in the conference.
ARMA was represented by The Deputy President Joanna Gierulska, Director of the Reference Databases and On-the-Spot Control Department Stanisław Sas, Director of the Direct Payments Department Jolanta Dobiesz, Deputy Director of the Analyses and Reporting Department Emilia Godlewska.
Mrs. Joanna Gierulska during her welcome speech, presented a video summary of 21st Conference of the Paying Agencies of the Baltic States held in Poland, Toruń in 2022 organized by the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture.
The main purpose of the conference in Riga was to discuss all current issues in every day work, as well as to share experiences on aspects of measures implementation process for new Common Agricultural Policy period in each country.
The Conference was opened by the Girts Krumins, Director of the Rural Support Service of Latvia.
Conference Agenda focused on key topics within agricultural policy such as new conditions for receiving area payments, as well as the criteria for receiving support in various eco-schemes.
The main topics which triggered discussions among the delegates were successful implementation of investment measures, current issues regarding the main challenges in data collection and analysis.
Conference participants listened to presentations in which experts from the Polish Paying Agency shared their knowledge and experience.
The Director of the Reference Databases and On-the-Spot Control Department at ARMA - Stanisław Sas gave a presentation of Area Monitoring System (AMS) in practice – opportunity for cost reduction or further barriers?
Elżbieta Tomaszewska, Expert from the Analysis and Reporting Department presented Comprehensive reporting and analytical system HD BI.
During the Conference three workshops were conducted. Each workshop treated a separate, current topic from the CAP field. The first workshop was dedicated to the Area based payments - ekoschemes. The second workshop was regarding rural development - investment measures. The topic for the third workshop was data collection and analysis.