IT Systems
The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS)
According to Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (Chapter 4, Art. 17), each Member State (MS) shall set up an Integrated Administration and Control System in order to manage direct payments. The technical implementation of the IACS is outlined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 796/2004 that refers to the identification of farmers, the identification and registration of payment entitlements, the control system cross-compliance, etc.
The ARMA started the implementation of its IACS system in June 2001. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 25 July 2001 on the National Register System of Agricultural Holdings and Farm Animals, and on Amendments to Certain Acts, the Polish IACS system is composed of:
• register of farm animals,
• register of direct payments,
• documentation related to the register of agricultural holdings and granted and disbursed direct payments,
• documentation related to controls conducted by the Agency and regarding compliance with the regulations governing direct payments.
The system additionally includes registers of:
• cattle producers,
• ovine animal producers,
• caprine animal producers.
The IACS System includes several subsystems, such as:
• the Land Parcel Identification System,
• the Animal Identification and Registration System,
• the Aid Applications Subsystem (composed of the Area Payment Subsystem and the Rural Development Programme Subsystem).
The Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)
The ARMA is responsible for maintaining and updating the Land Parcel Identification System, that is established on the basis of maps, land registry-derived documents, and other cartographic references. The computerised geographical information system (GIS) techniques are used, preferably including aerial or satellite imagery. The LPIS system functions with the database of reference parcels, allowing for identification of agricultural parcels, declared by farmers as eligible for direct payments. The system checks the whether the declared area is eligible for payments under a given assistance scheme and verifies overlapping declarations for specific agricultural parcels.
Practically, it means that all fields are numbered, and their images (taken by satellites) or orthophotos (taken by airplanes) are digitised. All those images are included in the geographical information system, that also contains the boundaries of the reference parcels and their eligible area. The boundaries of the reference parcels are also visible on-site if they correspond to natural features, such as streams, forests, or roads.
The Animal Identification and Registration System (AIRS)
The ARMA maintains a computerised database of tagged farm animals, i.e., cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, that is called the Animal Identification and Registration System. The objective of this system is to ensure animal traceability, enhance food safety, and secure full access to the EU market for animal products. Moreover, the AIRS database serves as the reference for determining the gross livestock unit (LSU) coefficient, that is indispensable for establishing the amount of complementary direct payment for crop areas destined for feed (animal premium) and for agri-environmental programmes.
The Animal Identification and Registration System includes:
• register of tagged farm animals and their locations (the AIRS Central Database).
The Central Database is an extranet system, interoperable with the Integrated Administration and Control System, and is based on the ARMA's territorial structures (Regional Offices and Poviat Bureaus). The information recorded in the Animal Identification and Registration System concerns:
• animal owners (producer register),
• animals and their locations (location register),
• animal movements (event registration).