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The history of the Agriculture Restructurisation and Modernisation Agency began on January 18, 1994. Its first task was to subsidise loan interest rates to help farmers escape the debt trap in banks. The breakthrough year was 1999. It was then that the Polish government designated the ARMA as the European Union's partner in providing support for the development of the Polish agriculture. In consequence of that decision, the Agency was entrusted with the implementation of the Special Accession Programme for Agricultural and Rural Development (SAPARD), and after Poland's accession to the European Union, other European aid programmes.

A significant efficiency test was passed by the ARMA in 2004, when, after having joined the European Community, it was obligated to distribute direct payments to approximately 1.4 million farmers for the first time. Another important event was in 2007, when the Agency was entrusted with the implementation of the majority of the measures within the framework of the EU's Rural Development Programme 2007-2013, which triggered an unprecedented pro-investment impulse in the Polish countryside. The next significant date for the ARMA was 2017, when, after the dissolution of the Agricultural Market Agency, it became the sole institution in Poland responsible for allocating both the national and the EU funds for the development of agriculture. It is worth noting the year 2018, when farmers were required to submit applications for direct payments online for the first time. 

Today, the ARMA is the only Paying Agency in Poland that distributes funds from the EU and the State budget, allocated for agriculture, agri-food processing, rural development, and fisheries. The funds distributed by the Agency have equipped farms with hundreds of thousands of pieces of agricultural machinery and equipment, contributed to the construction or renovation of thousands of farmsteads, facilitated the establishment of modern processing plants, and fostered the development of rural entrepreneurship. 

Thanks to the support of the ARMA, municipal governments have been able to modernise or construct thousands of kilometres of local roadways, cycling paths, and tourist trails, as well as water supply pipelines and sewers. The centres of numerous towns have been renovated, and community centres, cultural centres, and playgrounds have been built or refurbished.  Organisations working for local communities, inter alia, rural women's associations, also benefit from funding. The Agency also strives to assist by means of extraordinary measures. Drought, ASF, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine - those are just a few examples of crisis events in respect of which it has provided financial assistance to farmers. 

Since its inception until May 2024,  the Agriculture Restructurisation and Modernisation Agency has disbursed approximately PLN 482 billion.