25 Departments:
Press Bureau
Bureau responsible for public relations policy, organisation of press conferences, contacts with the media, preparing information for the press, planning and organising the Agency's participation in fairs and exhibitions, TV and radio programmes. It is also responsible for the preparation of conferences, seminars and foreign delegations visits, translation services, management of the Agency's electronic books of procedures, international cooperation
President's Bureau
Bureau responsible for organisational and technical service to the Agency's President and Vice-Presidents, supervising cooperation with the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and other public administration bodies in the field of ARMA's activity, coordination of the Agency's organisational structure.
Administration and Logistics Department
Department responsible for administrative planning and management of the Agency Headquarters, monitoring and allocation of funds for the administration of Regional Offices, e.g. administration of the office surface and supervision over the office equipement of the Headquarters, administration and insurance of the fixed assets in the Agency's Headquarters, distribution of correspondence, management of warehouses, car fleet, central archive, monitoring lease agreements concluded by the Regional Offices, providing security service for the Headquarters.
Analysis and Reporting Department
Department responsible for the preparation of the Agency's strategy, reports on the Agency's activity, monitoring the current performance of tasks by the Agency, risk management, updating the risks register.
Internal Audit Department
Department responsible for evaluation of the management and control system in the Agency and in entities entrusted with the execution of the delegated tasks as to conformity with national and community provisions, preparing annual and multiannual internal audit plans, assessment of the credibility of the financial statement.
Internal Control Department
Department responsible for detection and prevention of irregularities, preparing reports on irregularities, examining complaints, reporting on irregularities to adequate national and EU bodies (including OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office), preparation and monitoring of the Agency's anti-corruption policy.
Reference Databases and On-the-Spot Control Department
Main tasks include:
- management of the National Registration of Producers, Agricultural Holdings, Applications for Payment, running and updating referential databases of the Land Parcel Identification System / GIS data, particularly transformation, control and verification of the databases, modifying the principles of the system's functioning according to the EU law, updating ortophotomaps for the payment authorization, updating referential vector data for administrative controls,
- management of controls under all support schemes implemented by the Agency, preparing plans and strategy for on-the-spot controls, performing these controls and monitoring their execution by external entities, preparation of risk analysis concerning selection of the control sample, choosing beneficiaries to be checked on the basis of random sampling and risk analysis, coordinating tasks relative to cross-compliance controls.
Information Security Management Department
Department responsible for supervising the security of the Agency's data, including personal data, other legally protected information and classified information. Other tasks include preparing and updating the Agency's security policy.
Delegated Schemes Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the management of funds under the following RDP 2007-2013 measures, implemented by entities entrusted by ARMA with their execution: vocational training for persons employed in agriculture and forestry, improvement and development of infrastructure related to the development and adjustment of agriculture and forestry, information and publicity, basic services for the economy and rural population, village renewal and development, implementation of Local Development Strategies, implementation of cooperation projects, running the Local Action Group, acquisition of skills and activation. Tasks performed include e.g. preparation and updating of procedures, application forms, legal provisions, drawing and updating of contracts delegating schemes to external entities, supervision and controls of these entities, preparing decisions on sums excessively or unduly received.
Investment Schemes Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the management of funds allocated for support under RDP 2007-2013 (modernisation of agricultural holdings, adding value to basic agricultural and forestry production, diversification into non-agricultural activities, establishment and development of micro-enterprises), SOP “Restructuring and Modernisation of the Food Sector and Rural Development 2004-2006”, the SAPARD Programme.
Premium Schemes Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the use of funds under the following support mechanisms:
- Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: development of agricultural holdings and economic activities
- Rural Development Programme 2007-2013: setting up of young farmers, early retirement scheme, advisory services for farmers and forest owners
- Rural Development Plan 2004-2006: adaptation of farms to EU standards, early retirement scheme, semi-subsistence farms
Tasks performed include e.g. preparation and updating of procedures and application forms, interpreting legal provisions, updating Regional Offices on procedures, informing beneficiaries on the rules of applying for support, preparing financial documents under early retirement scheme, examining appeals against administrative decisions issued by Regional Offices.
Producer Register and Animal Registration System Department
Department responsible for supervision over and updating of the Producer Register and Animal Identification and Registration System - AIRS, which is a database of tagged farm animals; adding entries relative to producers and tagged farm animals to these databases; cooperation with external entities, especially with the General Veterinary Inspectorate as regards AIRS; selecting the control sample of agricultural holdings for on-the-spot controls relative to the AIRS and for cross-compliance controls performed by the General Veterinary Inspectorate; monitoring the number of cross-compliance controls performed by the General Veterinary Inspectorate; keeping the list of suppliers of eartags, eartags duplicates and readers.
Financial Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the preparation and monitoring of financial plans, management of funds and execution of payments, making forecasts of expenditure under the programmes co-financed by the EU, management of securities and of guarantees deposited by the Headquarters, cooperation with banks and management of the Agency's bank accounts, preparation and sending to relevant Ministries the estimates of budgetary needs.
Accountancy Department
Department responsible for maintaining accounts and Fixed Asset Register of the Agency's Headquarters; preparing financial statements; collecting, verifying and keeping accounting evidence according to the Polish Accounting Act; preparing and implementing the Agency's accounting policy; preliminary check of the economic operations' conformity to the Agency's financial plan; initial verification of the completeness and accuracy of documents relative to economic and financial operations; informing the Headquarters' Departments on funds received by the Agency.
Investment Projects Evaluation Department
Department responsible for evaluation of applications for payment and payment authorisation, particularly in the field of adding value to basic agricultural and forestry production, drafting of contracts with aid beneficiaries, ex-post and administrative control of the SAPARD Programme.
Direct Payments Department
Tasks relative to the management of funds under direct payments scheme and Common Market Organisation for Fruit and Vegetables, preparing and updating application forms as well as principles of granting assistance, setting up rules for establishing reductions and exclusions relative to cross-compliance, interpreting legal provisions in the field of direct payments.
Technical Assistance Department
Department responsible for the organisation of training courses for ARMA employees and external entities concerning management of support schemes, tasks relative to the use of funds allocated under technical assistance (RDP 2007-2013), e.g. examining applications for support, preparing and signing contracts with the applicants, authorizing applications for payment and preparing payment orders.
Legal Service Department
Department responsible for legal service of the Agency's President and Headquarters, and of the Regional Offices in some particularly complicated cases; Provides legal support for judicial proceedings in administrative courts, courts of general jurisdiction and in the Supreme Court,
Public Procurement Department
Department responsible for preparing and coordinating public procurement proceedings within the Agency, monitoring expenses relative to public procurement in the Agency's Headquarters, ensuring conformity of the public procurement proceedings in the Headquarters with the Public Procurement Law, participation in appeal proceedings in the National Appeal Chamber, monitoring Regional Offices in the field of public procurement.
Agricultural Markets Department
Department responsible for tasks related to the implementation of intervention (anti-crisis) mechanisms under the Common Agricultural Policy on the markets of agricultural products, in particular the market of plant and animal products. The aid provided is granted to farmers operating in the livestock sector, as well as to fruit and vegetable producers.
State Aid Department
Department responsible for tasks concerning the use of funds from the national budget, in the form of subsidies to interest on investment and natural disaster loans, as well as partial repayment of the investment loan capital, guarantees and securities for the repayment of these loans, tasks relative to refunding costs of collection and disposal of fallen stock, granting support for the preparation of applications for registration of a particular protected designation of origin or geographical indications.
Fishery Support Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the use of funds under Operational Programme "Fisheries and the Sea" 2014 - 2020 and Operational Programme "Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector and Coastal Fishing Areas 2007 - 2013".
IT Management Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the construction, development, modification, implementation and maintenance of IT systems.
Liabilities Management Department
Department responsible for tasks relative to the settlement and recovery of liabilities towards the Agency, preparing decisions or contracts on remission of debts, division of debt into installments, postponing repayment terms. Main responsibilities include cooperation with banks on issues related to liabilities and to the management of Agriculture Restructuring and Debt Discharge Fund, cooperation with entities implementing delegated schemes in the field of liabilities, keeping the books of debtors with regard to funds distributed under the SAPARD Programme, Rural Development Programme 2007-2013, Operational Programme ''Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector and Coastal Fishing Areas 2007-2013'', Rural Development Plan 2004-2006, running the register of debtors under State Aid.
Human Resources Management Department
Department responsible for personnel, pay and social policy, vocational skills improvement, coordinating employees' temporary evaluation, recruitement procedure, the workplace Heallth and Safety issues, management of students' and unemployed persons' internships in the Agency's Headquarters, cooperation with National Labour Inspectorate and Polish Social Insurance Institution as well as with external service providers in the field of training.