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Representatives of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture at the 56th Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies in Budapest, October 16–18, 2024


The 56th Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies was organised in Hungary in connection with the country's current presidency of the European Council. The conference was attended by representatives of paying agencies from 27 EU member states, the European Commission (DG Agri), the European Court of Auditors (ECA), and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), as well as representatives from EU-associated countries.

The 56th Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies was organised in Hungary in connection with the country's current presidency of the European Council

The participation of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture delegation in this event was particularly important, as Poland will host the next, 57th Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies. The ARMA delegation consisted of representatives from the Analysis and Reporting Department, the Reference Databases and On-the-Spot Control Department, and the Producer Register and Animal Registration System Department.

During the first day of the event, following the official opening, the representative of the Belgian delegation presented a summary of the previous 55th Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies in Antwerp, which took place on May 15–17 this year, as well as the 62nd Panta Rhei Conference in Madeira, September 25–27 this year.

The presentations prepared by EU institutions covered the most important issues related to the Common Agricultural Policy for 2023–2027, such as the latest changes introduced to ensure the reliability of the CAP, recent findings of the European Court of Auditors, and irregularities reported by member states under the CAP.

In line with the established format, the second day of the conference featured workshops in three sessions: "The role of geotagged photos and mobile applications at the Paying Agencies," "Creation of artificial circumstances," and "Social Conditionality."

The following day was filled with interesting presentations prepared by paying agencies from Hungary and France, covering topics such as the effectiveness of the control system, Connecting the aid application system with databases of the agricultural administration, and the use of artificial intelligence for AMS.

Representing the Producer Register and Animal Registration System Department at ARMA, Ms. Aneta Herod presented the methods of implementation and practical use of the animal identification and registration system in Poland.

At the end of the event, there was a significant Polish touch. A video was shown introducing the next, 57th Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies, which will be hosted by Warsaw in May next year. Subsequently, the symbolic presidency of the EU Council was handed over to the representative of the Polish delegation, with the traditional gavel being presented.


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