The Success of ARMA in the Twinning Project for Serbia
ARMA has completed the implementation of another twinning programme. This time in favour of Serbia. The cooperation lasted 2.5 years. For the first time, the Agency was the project leader.
ARMA once again proved the high quality of its work and the potential of its employees. For 2.5 years it implemented, together with agricultural institutions from Lithuania and France,
a twinning programme for Serbia. For the first time, it acted as the project leader - responsible for its overall implementation. The strategic objective was to prepare Serbia's legislation
so that it would enable an increase in agricultural production and its competitiveness, and ensure income stability for agricultural producers, while adapting to the requirements of domestic and foreign markets and the EU's technical and technological level.
The programme involved more than 40 experts from five EU countries (Poland, France, Lithuania and additionally partners from Germany and Italy) and 10 member state institutions, supervised in this respect and coordinated within the project by ARMA. The project was managed by Dawid Ciupak, Head of the International Cooperation and European Projects Department
in the Office of the President, supported by a project team consisting of employees from several ARMA organisational units.
More than 120 expert missions took place over two and a half years, totalling more than 1,000 days of expert work. More than 40 draft regulations, sets of rules, guidelines and procedure books were prepared. 17 trainings and workshops and 6 study visits of Serbian administration staff in Poland, France and Lithuania were realised. The project ended with full implementation
of all activities planned and required by the beneficiary. The work as a whole will make a real difference to the quality of Serbia's legislation and the country's preparation for entry into the European Union.