Visit of the delegation of the Lithuanian Paying Agency NMA at the ARMA Headquarters
On May 24, 2022, two-day talks of experts from the Lithuanian Paying Agency NMA and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture began in Warsaw. The topics discussed concern, inter alia, the support administration system, the method of supervising the implemented projects, as well as plans for the new programming period of the Common Agricultural Policy for the years 2023-2027.
Welcoming the Lithuanian guests, Halina Szymańska, president of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture, recalled that both agencies signed an agreement on bilateral cooperation in 2016. During these nearly six years, many mutual visits and meetings between Polish and Lithuanian experts took place. - We are also successful in this long-term cooperation - said Halina Szymańska, pointing to the EU twinning project for Serbia won this year by Poland, Lithuania and France, as well as a project of this type already implemented with Italy for Azerbaijan.
- I am convinced that our meeting will be another good opportunity to share knowledge, exchange opinions, also about the new EU budget perspective - emphasized the president of ARMA.
Polish partners were thanked for organizing the meeting by Ksistof Dokudović, director of the Department of Rural Development and Regional Support of the NMA, on behalf of the guests from Lithuania.
- Your experiences and solutions are inspiring, many of them we adapt to our realities - said Ksistof Dokudović, in Polish.
On the part of the Lithuanian Paying Agency NMA, representatives of the departments of Strategic Management, Prevention and Security, Rural Development and Regional Support take part in the meeting. ARMA is represented by experts from the following departments: Premium Schemes, Evaluation of Investment Projects, Delegated Schemes, Investment Schemes and Reference Databases and On-the-spot Control.
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- Last updated on:
- 26.05.2022 07:44 Zimnicki Łukasz DAiS
- First published on:
- 25.05.2022 15:36 Zimnicki Łukasz DAiS