Temporary passport for an adult
Where to apply?
You can apply for a temporary passport in any Polish consular office. Please note that you apply for and collect your new temporary passport in the same office.
Do I have to apply in person?
You must apply for your temporary passport personally.
How to book an appointment?
You can book your appointment to apply for a temporary passport via the e-konsulat.
What documents do I need to submit?
IMPORTANT! You no longer need to fill out the application by hand.
Your passport application to the RP consul can be filled in electronically during your passport visit. A consular employee will file your application using an electronic form and you need to confirm that the data are correct by placing your signature on a dedicated device (signature pad).
- Colour photo - read what the photo should look like.
- If your name changed when you married abroad - bring abridged or unabridged Polish marriage certificate.
- Application for a PESEL number and abridged copy of your Polish birth certificate if you do not have the PESEL number.
- Abridged or unabridged copy of your Polish marriage certificate if you do not have the PESEL number and you got married. This document must be submitted by both men and women, whether they had changed their names upon marriage or not.
The consul may ask you to present additional documents if he/she cannot establish your identity and citizenship based on the data in the documents presented or the data available to the consul in his/her records and registers, or if the data are unclear or inconsistent:
- abridged or unabridged copy of your Polish birth certificate,
- abridged or unabridged copy of your Polish marriage certificate,
- decision of the province governor confirming your Polish citizenship,
- valid foreign identity document.
Take your current passport (or temporary passport) with you when you apply, even if it had expired.
How much does it cost?
Fee for a temporary passport issued for the delivery time of the biometric passport is 26 AUD.
Fee for a temporary passport issued for other purpose than to cover the biometric passport delivery time is 68 AUD.
The fees must be paid at the office counter when submitting the application.
Accepted forms of payment: bank transfer, cash, or by money order issued to the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney.
What is the waiting time?
You will receive the temporary passport as soon as possible.
Please note, if you are planning to travel abroad with the temporary passport, check current rules of entry and stay of foreigners in the country of destination. Make sure that you can cross the border with the temporary passport and check the required validity period at entry and departure.
How to collect the documents?
You will collect the temporary passport personally in the same office where you applied for it.
On the collection day of the new document, bring your previous passport (or temporary passport) to the consulate - current passport will be cancelled, except for pages with valid visas, and returned.
How to appeal?
If the consul rejects your application for a temporary passport, you can appeal to the minister for internal affairs through the consul.
The consul refuses to issue a passport at the request of:
- the court which proceeds against the applicant with criminal or civil proceedings or with an action related to a tax offence or a minor;
- the authority which proceeds against the applicant with preliminary or execution proceedings in a criminal action including tax-related offences.
Frequently asked questions
Can I get a temporary passport?
A temporary passport is issued only under specific circunstances. It can be obtained by individuals who:
- stay in Poland and abroad temporarily and need to return to their place of permanent residence,
- stay abroad, as they wait for the delivery of a passport issued in Poland (if they express such wish and apply for such document),
- stay in Poland and abroad, in urgent cases of a family member's illness or funeral of which they need to provide evidence,
- stay in Poland and abroad, in urgent cases related to their professional activities of which they need to provide evidence,
- cannot have their fingerprints taken physically, and the impediment is temporary.
Can I apply for a temporary passport if I lost my personal ID card and my new 10-year passport is waiting to be collected in Poland?
You can apply for a temporary passport at a consulate. Remember to take with you the temporary passport issued by the consul as you return to Poland to collect the new one.
I lost my passport. What should I do now?
If you lost your passport or temporary passport, you must immediately inform the passport authority - the authority abroad is the consul.
On the day when you inform the consulate about the loss of passport, it becomes invalid.
Important! If you find the passport which you had reported lost in the consulate, you should immediately return it to the passport authority (to the consul, if you are abroad).
Legal basis
Ustawa z dnia 13 lipca 2006 r. o dokumentach paszportowych (Dz. U. z 2018 r. poz. 1919, z późn. zm.)
Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji z dnia 16 sierpnia 2010 r. w sprawie dokumentów paszportowych (Dz. U. poz. 1026, z późn. zm.)
Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych z dnia 15 lutego 2010 r. w sprawie ewidencji paszportowych i centralnej ewidencji (Dz. U. poz. 131)
Ustawa z dnia 25 czerwca 2015 r. Prawo konsularne (Dz. U. z 2018 r. poz. 2141, z późn. zm.)
Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych z dnia 29 grudnia 2015 r. w sprawie opłat konsularnych (Dz. U. poz. 2237)