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Digitisation Leader Team

The task of digitisation leaders is stimulating the awareness and digital activity of Europeans, as well as advising public institutions and NGOs providing information and services.

Zdjęcie przedstawia Lidera Cyfryzacji - Grzegorza Zajączkowskiego.

They also aim to better meet citizens’ expectations, create or support campaigns, targeted initiatives and partnerships focused on digital issues.

Currently, Digitisation Leaders operate in 26 countries. In Poland, the role of the Digitisation Leader is carried out by Grzegorz Zajączkowski. The team's work resulted in the creation of a Broad Agreement for the Development of Digital Skills. A conference was also organised at which EC Vice-President Andrus Ansip announced the Digital Single Market concept. A group of experts has also worked on a Manifesto for the development of digital competencies in Poland.


  • Carrying out activities aimed at stimulating digital awareness and activity;
  • Advising public institutions and NGOs providing information and services in electronic form in order to better meet citizens’ expectations;
  • Creation or supporting campaigns, targeted initiatives and partnerships focused on digital issues;
  • Promotion and implementation of objectives included in the Strategy for the Digital Single Market, as well as supporting the Minister of Digital Affairs and the institutions in this respect;
  • Advising on the programming of the Broad Agreement for Digital Skills in Poland.
Information on the publication of the document
Last updated on:
10.05.2019 14:26 administrator
First published on:
10.05.2019 14:26 administrator