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Poland hosts IGF2021, in 2020 - IGF online


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be held online. The November meeting in Katowice is being postponed to to the last quarter of 2021.

On the left, coffee in a green cup, on a green plate, on the right a spiral notebook. Inscription 2020 plan B and IGF2020 logotype

This year during the 15th jubilee Internet Governance Forum we will meet on the web. IGF 2020 will be organized together by MAG (International IGF Advisory Group), IGF secretariat and UN DESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs).

However this does not mean that we do not invite you to Katowice. Poland will host next year's edition - IGF2021. The date and other organizational details will be announced soon.The date and other organizational details will be announced soon.

We thank the entire community for commitment so far. We hope that the meeting in Poland in 2021 will be an opportunity for extremely interesting discussions and good decisions. We are waiting for you!
