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MFA statement on response to Hungarian government’s asylum to wanted Marcin Romanowski


We consider Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government’s decision to grant political asylum to Marcin Romanowski, who is wanted under a European Arrest Warrant, a hostile act towards the Republic of Poland and one which is contrary to the elementary principles applicable to EU member states.


In particular, the said act runs counter to the fundamental principle of loyal cooperation within the meaning of Article 4(3) of the Treaty on European Union.

Assuming the alleged political persecution as justification of the decision is offensive to Polish citizens and authorities.

In response, the Ambassador of Hungary to Poland has been summoned to the MFA today and received a formal letter of protest regarding this issue.

At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs decided to recall Poland’s Ambassador to Hungary Sebastian Kęciek to Warsaw for consultations.

We note that granting international protection in any EU member state does not exempt the state from the obligation of executing a European Arrest Warrant. Because of its exclusively legal, not political, nature, such decision can only be taken by an independent and impartial court. 

Should Hungary fail to meet its European commitments, Poland will also request the European Commission to bring an action regarding Hungary pursuant to Article 259 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
