Organisational units
Africa and the Middle East DepartmentAfrica and the Middle East Department monitors the internal situation and politics of the countries within the field of its competence.
Asia-Pacific DepartmentThe Asia-Pacific Department coordinates cooperation of the Republic of Poland with countries and territories in South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. The Department is also responsible for coordinating multilateral aspects of cooperation with the region.
Bureau for the Polish Presidency of the EU Council
Bureau for the Protection of Classified InformationThe Bureau for the Protection of Classified Information is responsible for all matters regarding the protection of classified information and diplomatic correspondence handling in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Bureau of Administration
Bureau of Knowledge Management and Diplomatic HistoryBureau of Knowledge Management and Diplomatic History creates the organisational culture for the compiling and optimum utilisation of the knowledge base on Poland’s foreign policy.
Bureau of Control, Audit and EvaluationThe Bureau of Control, Audit and Evaluation plans, conducts and documents inspections at the Ministry and units which are subordinate to or supervised by the MFA.
Bureau of Digital Transformation
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Bureau of FinanceThe Bureau of Finance acts as the main holder of the 45th part of the budget, and is responsible for budgeting, supervising budget performance and reporting.
Bureau of Human CapitalThe Bureau of Human Capital is responsible for human resources management, personnel matters, HR processes, social matters, and handling MFA diplomatic and service passports.
Bureau of Information Technology and TelecommunicationsThe Bureau of Information Technology and Telecommunications assures the operation of telecom and IT networks and access to the Ministry’s databases; it creates technical conditions for processing, transmitting and storing public and non-public information at the Ministry, both at the head office and in Polish diplomatic missions abroad.
Bureau of InvestmentsThe Bureau of Investments exercises the Minister of Foreign Affairs’ powers related to the permanent management of State Treasury property that is used by organizational units abroad.
Bureau of Organisation and DevelopmentThe Bureau of Organisation and Development supports the Head of the Foreign Service and Director General in performing his duties, including by preparing official documents and overseeing the implementation of his decisions.
Consular DepartmentThe consular service’s principal task is to protect the interests of the Polish State and its citizens abroad. The way this is carried out is of major practical importance to millions of Poles who go abroad on a temporary or permanent basis.
Department for Strategic Communications and Countering Foreign Disinformation
Department of Cooperation with Polish Community AbroadThe Department of Cooperation with Polish Community Abroad shapes, conducts and coordinates cooperation with the Polish diaspora and Polish citizens abroad.
Department of Development CooperationThe Department of Development Cooperation (DDC) is responsible for planning and coordinating activities in the field of development cooperation that includes development and humanitarian assistance as well as global education.
Department of Economic CooperationThe Department of Economic Cooperation supports the promotion of Poland’s economic interests abroad. It is responsible for the MFA’s and diplomatic missions’ collaboration with and diplomatic support for Polish strategic companies. As part of the MFA, the Department coordinates matters concerning energy and the country’s resource security in a global dimension.
Department of Global AffairsThe Department of Global Affairs is in charge of the policy pursued by the Republic of Poland on the forum of the UN system’s organisations, the Council of Europe, and – with regard to human rights – on the EU and OSCE forum.
Department of InformationThe Department of Information organises conferences and arranges interviews for media representatives with the top MFA officials as well as ensures the media coverage of selected international conferences.
Department of Promotion and Cultural DiplomacyIn pursuit of Polish foreign policy tasks, the Department of Promotion and Cultural Diplomacy works to promote Polish culture, science, and education. In collaboration with the Polish Institutes, Embassies and Consulates General, it makes sure Polish authors and artists can participate in major cultural events around the world.
Department of StrategyThe Department of Strategy designs Poland’s long-term foreign and European policy and monitors its implementation.
Department of the AmericasThe Department of the Americas coordinates the cooperation between the Republic of Poland and North, Central and South America as well as regional organizations.
Diplomatic AcademyThe MFA Diplomatic Academy develops and implements the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ training strategy.
Diplomatic ProtocolThe Diplomatic Protocol is the official protocol in the Republic of Poland. The Department prepares visits by heads of state and government and ministers for foreign affairs and is in charge of protocol services for their meetings as well as the audiences of diplomatic representatives of foreign states.
Eastern DepartmentThe Eastern Department coordinates bilateral cooperation of the Republic of Poland with the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
EU External Relations DepartmentThe EU External Relations Department is responsible for political and institutional EU coordination within the Ministry and for managing matters related to the European External Action Service. Furthermore, it serves as the coordinator for EU sanctions, oversees EU enlargement policy, and manages the European Neighbourhood Policy. The Department works closely with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in defining Poland’s strategic policy directions within the framework of the European Union.
European Policy DepartmentThe European Policy Department is responsible for Poland’s EU membership with respect to such matters as the EU’s political and institutional development, treaty reforms, political aspects of the development of the EU’s internal and external policies, enlargement policy, macro-regional strategies, and the external dimension of the EU’s area of freedom, security and justice.
Legal and Treaty DepartmentThe Legal and Treaty Department carries out the tasks of the Minister of Foreign Affairs relating to the conclusion of international agreements by the Republic of Poland.
Legal Bureau
Minister's OfficeThe Minister's Office handles matters related to the activity of the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a supreme body of state administration and a member of the Council of Ministers.
Security Policy Department