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Asia-Pacific Department

The Asia-Pacific Department coordinates cooperation of the Republic of Poland with countries and territories in South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. The Department is also responsible for coordinating multilateral aspects of cooperation with the region.

The Asia-Pacific Department coordinates the cooperation of the Republic of Poland with countries and territories in South Asia (Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kingdom of Bhutan, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Maldives, Nepal, Republic of India, and Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka), Southeast Asia (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Kingdom of Cambodia, Kingdom of Thailand, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, State of Brunei Darussalam, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Singapore, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Republic of the Union of Myanmar) and East Asia and the Pacific (People’s Republic of China, Japan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Federated States of Micronesia,  Commonwealth of Australia, The Cook Islands, Republic of Fiji, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru, Niue, The Solomon Islands, The Independent State of Samoa, Tuvalu, Republic of Vanuatu, Kingdom of Tonga, Republic of Palau and Taiwan).

The Department also coordinates the multilateral aspects of Asia-Pacific policy and is further responsible for matters related to the Republic of Poland’s participation in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) in Korea. It prepares positions and initiatives under the EU’s Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific  as well as under the  EU-ASEAN dialogue and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). The Department drafts materials for the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, the Speakers of the Sejm and the Senate, the Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as for other public administration officials. It supervises the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Poland in the region  as well as collaborates with national and foreign research centres, social partners and non-governmental organizations.


Director - Wojciech Zajączkowski
Deputy Director - Joanna Dopierała-Konkołowicz
Deputy Director - Konrad Pawlik


Tel.: +48 22 523 9302
Fax: +48 22 523 9599