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Candidates' and observers' submissions received in a call for applications for the post of judge of the European Court of Human Rights


30 April 2024 was the closing date for submitting applications in the procedure to select candidates for the role of judge of the European Court of Human Rights. We received 27 submissions. 14 women and 13 men submitted their applications.

#flagi PL i UE


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to announce that the following people agreed that their personal details may be published as candidates who applied for the role of Polish judge of the European Court of Human Rights:


Ms Anna Adamska-Gallant

Mr Michał Balcerzak

Ms Agata Bzdyń

Mr Piotr Charkiewicz

Mr Maciej Ferek

Ms Monika Gąsiorowska

Mr Marcin Górski

Ms Elżbieta Kuzborska-Pacha

Mr Wojciech Piątek

Mr Marek Piechowiak

Ms Dorota Pudzianowska

Mr Jacek Skrzydło

Mr Kamil Strzępek

Mr Piotr Tereszkiewicz

Mr Adam Wiśniewski


The other candidates in the call for applications did not agree to the publication of such details.


By the same deadline, we also received 11 submissions from non-governmental organisations and associations of legal professions to become observers of interviews which will be held with the candidates. They include:


Better Human Rights Foundation

Foundation for Women and Family Planning

Free Courts Foundation

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture

Regional Chamber of Attorneys at Law in Gdańsk

Regional Bar Council in Warsaw

Amnesty International

Professor Zbigniew Hołda Association

Association for Legal Intervention

Citizens Network Watchdog Poland

