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Department of Cooperation with Polish Community Abroad

The Department of Cooperation with Polish Community Abroad shapes, conducts and coordinates cooperation with the Polish diaspora and Polish citizens abroad.

It supports the teaching of the Polish language, instruction in the Polish language, and education about Poland addressed to the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad. It encourages Polish communities to shape and enhance the image of Poland around the world. It facilitates preserving and strengthening the Polish national identity, and enables the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad to participate in national culture. It works to protect the rights of people of Polish origin and Polish minorities. It supervises implementation of the Card of the Pole Act and supports the process of repatriation.


Director - Anna Sochańska
Deputy Director - Agnieszka Wielowieyska
Deputy Director - Szymon Szaran
Deputy Director - Beata Prądzyńska


Tel.: +48 22 523 9441
Fax: +48 22 523 8029
