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Department of the Americas

The Department of the Americas coordinates the cooperation between the Republic of Poland and North, Central and South America as well as regional organizations.

It also conducts analyses on the internal situation and foreign policy of these countries and formulates the priorities and actions to be taken in order to develop bilateral relations between others in the field of politics, economy and culture. Moreover, the Department participates in elaborating the European Union policy towards these states. Last but not least, the Department of the Americas also supervises the diplomatic representations of Poland in the region, including ten embassies (in Ottawa, Washington, Mexico, Havana, Caracas, Bogota, Brasilia, Lima, Santiago and Buenos Aires).

Deputy Director, Acting Director - Dorota Markiewicz-Zemke
Deputy Director - Maciej Ziętara


Tel.:  +48 22 523 9270
Fax: +48 22 622 6462