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EU foreign ministers hold video conference meeting


“Ukraine and other Eastern Partnership countries need strong support from the European Union in their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said today at a video conference meeting of EU heads of diplomacy.

EU foreign ministers hold video conference meeting

The video conference focused on Ukraine and the Eastern Partnership. Discussing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the situation in the region, Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said that Poland supports the European Commission’s assistance package for the region and outlined Poland’s actions, also those taken as part of the Visegrad Group. In this context, he pointed out that the foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group countries had adopted a joint statement in favour of creating opportunities for the Partners to bring them closer to the EU, including through the development of sectoral cooperation. In response, High Representative Josep Borrell recognised the V4 declaration as an important contribution to the discussion on the Eastern Partnership’s future.

As regards Ukraine, the ministers also spoke about the current state of the reform process, now hampered by the pandemic, and the developments in eastern Ukraine, where, despite the recent exchange of prisoners, the security and humanitarian situation remains unstable as a result of actions by the Russian-supported rebels. Minister Jacek Czaputowicz stressed that the reform plans of the new Ukrainian government deserve the full support of the EU. He drew attention to the situation in the illegally annexed Crimean Peninsula and expressed his belief that the unlawful activities aimed at Crimea’s further integration into Russia should be met with a fitting response from the EU.

As part of the current agenda, the ministers discussed the developments in Libya, Afghanistan, and in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus. 


MFA Press Office

Photo Sebastian Indra / MFA
