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Head of Poland’s diplomacy talks with Japan’s Foreign Minister


Today Minister Radosław Sikorski held a phone conversation with his Japanese counterpart, Yōko Kamikawa. The ministers discussed in particular the issues concerning bilateral relations, including the agenda of meetings planned for the near future.

Telephone conversation between Minister Radosław Sikorski and Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa

Cooperation in the field of global security was an important topic. Japan, one of NATO's AP4* partners, will participate in the upcoming NATO summit in Washington. The ministers also spoke about the support provided to Ukraine by both countries. Additionally, they exchanged views on the recent attempts at resolving the conflict peacefully. Ministers Sikorski and Kamikawa referred to the situation in the Indo-Pacific region, including the recent alarming consolidation of cooperation between Russia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Today’s consultations also focused on the two countries’ traditionally strong economic ties as well as Poland’s ongoing preparations to participate in Expo 2025 in Osaka. The top diplomats’ conversation builds on Poland’s and Japan’s strengthened relations, which have been enhanced after Minister Kamikawa’s visit to Poland in January this year.  


*AP4—Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.
