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Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of Poland, France and Germany


The Foreign Ministers of the Weimar Triangle regret the decision by the ruling Georgian Dream party not to pursue EU accession talks and to reject EU financial support until 2028 which glaringly contradicts the European aspirations of the Georgian people as enshrined in the Constitution of Georgia.


Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of Poland, France and Germany

  1. We, the Foreign Ministers of the Weimar Triangle, regret the decision by the ruling Georgian Dream party not to pursue EU accession talks and to reject EU financial support until 2028 which glaringly contradicts the European aspirations of the Georgian people as enshrined in the Constitution of Georgia.
  2. The steps taken by the authorities expose Georgia to external and internal instability.  We underscore our determination to support the democratic and European aspirations of the Georgian people.
  3. We strongly condemn the disproportionate use of force against peaceful protesters as well as the targeting of the opposition and media representatives. We deplore raids of offices of opposition parties and civil society organisations, arrests of members of political opposition and call for their immediate release. Fundamental rights, including freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, must be upheld and protected as per Georgia’s Constitution and international commitments.
  4. We urge the Georgian Dream to de-escalate tensions and open an inclusive dialogue with all political forces and representatives of civil society. We recall that it was the Georgian Dream’s course of action since the beginning of 2024 that has led to de facto halt the EU accession process and that has, in turn, led to the downgrading of our relationship with Georgia.
  5. We will bring this matter to the attention of the next Foreign Affairs Council in order to take appropriate measures at the EU level, and, in addition, consider the consequences of the actions of the Georgian Dream for our respective bilateral relationships.  



Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of Poland, France and Germany, 6.12.2024​_
Joint​_Statement​_by​_the​_Foreign​_Ministers​_of​_Poland,​_France​_and​_Germany,​_6122024​_.pdf 0.40MB