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Łukasz Jasina appointed MFA spokesperson


On 1 September 2021 Minister of Foreign Affairs, prof. Zbigniew Rau appointed Łukasz Jasina for the position of the MFA Spokesperson.

Łukasz Jasina - MFA spokesperson

Łukasz Jasina is a Polish historian, journalist, lawyer, film expert, analyst, as well as radio and TV commentator. He graduated in law (2004), history (2005) and journalism (2005) from the Catholic University of Lublin and Collegium Invisibile (2006). In 2011, he received a PhD from the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences for his thesis titled “Zmierzch Imperium Brytyjskiego w niektórych filmach Davida Leana. Studium historyczno-filmoznawcze” [The Twilight of the British Empire in selected David Lean films. A historical and film study]. He worked among others at the Institute of East-Central Europe in Lublin, the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, the Polish History Museum in Warsaw, and the Polish Institute of International Affairs.

 Since 2018, he run introductions to films shown on TVP Kultura’s Czwartkowy Klub Filmowy and Wieczór Kinomana, as well as hosted Wieczór Literacki and Lucky Luke czyli Jasina i Adamski o filmie i nie tylko on Radio Dla Ciebie. He was also a host at the Polish Radio Three’s Klub Trójki and Polish Radio Lublin’s W kinie w Lublinie programmes.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Press Office


Photo: Gabriel Piętka / MFA