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Meeting of foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group and Japan


On 7 May 2021, the heads of diplomacy of the V4 countries and Japan met in Warsaw under Poland’s presidency of the Visegrad Group. Hosted by Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau and held in the V4+Japan format, the meeting took place on the second day of the Japanese foreign minister’s visit to Poland.

2021.05.07 Warszawa . Minister Zbigniew Rau . Szczyt V4 z udzialem Czechy , Slowacja , Wegry + Japonia .
Fot. Tymon Markowski / MSZ

The meeting covered a number of global and regional issues; the ministers discussed, among others, the EU-Japan relations, prospects for cooperation between the V4 and Japan, relations with the US, and the security situation in Europe and Asia. “Keeping track of the security environment in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Indo-Pacific region, I see a lot of similarities, which invites us to reflect on a joint response to challenges and threats,” said Minister Rau. He added that in the complex international environment, the EU-Japan partnership is a unique example of like-minded states that share many common interests. “We should make use of these advantages to promote our common values and standards, such as our commitment to open societies, democracy and human rights, on the international stage,” stressed the chief of Polish diplomacy.

An important point on the agenda of the Friday talks was partnership cooperation with the Western Balkan countries and support for their European integration. Minister Rau noted that the Visegrad Group was established by countries that currently define their position in a changing world primarily in terms of their membership in the EU and NATO. “Now is the time for the Group to actively support other countries in their efforts to ensure security, stability and prosperity,” underlined the head of the Polish MFA.

Japan was the first non-European country the Visegrad Group established a closer political dialogue with. In 2013, Warsaw hosted the first summit of the prime ministers of the Visegrad Group and Japan, and the V4-Japan dialogue remains an important platform for exchanging in-depth assessments of the international situation, coordination of development assistance, as well as scientific and technological cooperation.


MFA Press Office


Photo: Tymon Markowski/MFA

Video: Gabriel Piętka/MFA
