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Meeting of Poland's and UK's foreign ministers


On Sunday, 7 July 2024, Minister Radosław Sikorski held consultations with the newly appointed British top diplomat David Lindon Lammy in Chobielin. Their talks were centred around global security, also in the context of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

On Sunday, 7 July 2024, Minister Radosław Sikorski held consultations with the newly appointed British top diplomat David Lindon Lammy in Chobielin.

In Minister Sikorski's view, today's visit by Minister Lammy shows that both countries are tied together by the deepest bonds irrespective of the incumbent government in Poland or the United Kingdom. The head of the Polish MFA took the opportunity to congratulate the British Labour Party on its overwhelming victory in the latest election.

Referring to global security, Minister Sikorski stressed that Poland and the UK agree on many challenges in this respect, especially on the need to continuously support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. Minister Lammy expressed a similar view, noting that Poland and the UK have the same strategic vision of Ukraine and NATO in particular. He added that the two countries are now faced by common threats from Russia and Belarus.

In the context of the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, Poland's chief diplomat pointed out that we share similar expectations with the UK for the outcomes of the Alliance's meeting. “We hope for confirmation of our long-term policy of support for Ukraine and our mutual security guarantees which translate into a lasting presence of NATO forces and capabilities on the eastern flank, where the threat is present,” said Minister Sikorski. He also announced that Poland will sign a bilateral agreement on security cooperation with Ukraine, as the UK did.

Summing up today's meeting, Minister Radosław Sikorski wished the new British government much success after it took power. Poland's minister also expressed his hope that the existing Polish–British cooperation formats will be continued, in particular the Polish–British Quadriga, which is a meeting of foreign and defence ministers.


Photo: Konrad Laskowski/MFA



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