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Meeting of Warsaw Process Working Group on Humanitarian Issues and Refugees


Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Richard Albright and Secretary of State at the Brazilian MFA Fabio Marzano chaired a meeting of the Warsaw Process Working Group on Humanitarian Issues and Refugees which was held on 4-6 February in Brasilia.

spotkanie grupy roboczej ds. humanitarnych PW

In his opening speech, Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński highlighted issues relating to protection of children and their rights in conflicts and in life as refugees, placing a special emphasis on access to education. He stressed Poland’s commitment to improving the situation of children in the Middle East and encouraged the audience to step up international efforts in this area.

The discussion, which brought together just under fifty countries, focused on the impact of humanitarian crises on the life of children. The participants discussed ways to overcome barriers at all education levels using modified education models. They also addressed protection of children affected by conflicts, including girls and children with disabilities. The debate was attended by representatives of Polish think-tanks and NGOs: Patrycja Sasnal from the Polish Institute of International Affairs and Rana Gabi from the Foundation Polish Center for International Aid.

So far, the following Warsaw Process working groups have met: cybersecurity (in Seoul), human rights (in Washington), maritime and aviation security (in Manama), energy security (in Warsaw) and missile proliferation (in Bucharest). The working group on counterterrorism and illicit finance will meet in early March in Marrakesh. The outcome of the working groups will be summed up at a ministerial conference, scheduled to take place in Washington next spring.


MFA Press Office

Photo: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão



Humanitarian and Refugee Issues Working Group - Summary Statement - EN
2020-02-05Warsaw​_Process​_WG​_on​_Humanitarian​_Issues​_and​_Refugess​_Summary​_Statement.pdf 0.10MB
Humanitarian and Refugee Issues Working Group - Summary Statement -PL
Oświadczenie​_podsumowujące​_spotkanie​_grupy​_roboczej​_ds​_humanitranych​_i​_uchodźców​_w​_ramach​_Procesu​_Warszawskiego​_-​_PL​_.pdf 0.32MB