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MFA statement on another wave of repressions in Belarus


Polish MFA is deeply concerned over the reports from Belarus regarding another wave of massive searches and arrests among former prisoners of conscience and relatives of persons currently incarcerated by the regime on political grounds.

2018.08.03 Warszawa . Budynek MSZ , ilustracje .
Fot. Tymon Markowski / MSZ

We strongly condemn systemic repressions of the Belarusian regime against its own society, including the detention of Maryna Adamovich, the wife of Mikalai Statkevich, a Belarusian opposition activist sentenced to 14 years in prison.

The human rights situation in Belarus has been aggravating. The increased pressure of Lukashenko’s regime on the civil society and his political opponents over the past weeks aims to intimidate Belarusians, forcing them into silence or fleeing the country.

Since the rigged presidential election in 2020, thousands of people have been imprisoned and at least 1,400 political prisoners remain in detention. Conditions of detention of the regime’s opponents are an abomination of humanity – the oppositionists serve their sentences in overcrowded cold cells, with limited access to health care and limited contacts with relatives.

Polish MFA constantly calls on the Minsk authorities to unconditionally release all political prisoners and stop repressions against its own society.