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MFA statement on parliamentary elections in Georgia


The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its deep concern over the conduct of the parliamentary elections in Georgia, held on 26 October 2024.


The integrity of elections was questioned by President Zurabishvili and Georgian opposition. Numerous reports confirming violations of elections procedures and the unprecedented scale of administrative resources involved by the ruling party undermine the principle of freedom and equality of the process and the very result of the elections.

We sincerely believe that Georgia is part of Europe, and Georgian people deserve to achieve their goals and dreams - to secure European and Euro-Atlantic future for their country.

Unfortunately what we witnessed during elections of 26 October is not bringing Georgia closer but further away from the EU and NATO.

Poland will continue to support Georgian democracy and the free will of its people. We remember that Georgia has been a leader of reform process in the past, and we hope that it will come back on this path again.
