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Minister of Foreign Affairs decides to close Russian consulate in Poznań


On 22 October 2024, Minister of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski decided to withdraw consent to the functioning of the Russian Federation consulate in Poznań.


The mission's diplomatic staff will be declared personae non gratae in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Recently Wrocław, a city located in the consulate's district, has seen a sabotage attempt orchestrated by foreign intelligence services. After assessment of evidence, the court rejected the plea bargain requested by the accused.

Polish services report that the Russian Federation is waging a hybrid war against Poland. This includes cyberattacks and assaults at Poland’s eastern frontier, which is also the Schengen area's border.

Minister Radosław Sikorski called on the Russian Federation's authorities to stop this kind of activities targeted at the Republic of Poland and its allies.

Should such incidents reoccur, Poland reserves the right to take further decisive measures.
