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Minister Radosław Sikorski takes part in Ukraine Recovery Conference


Representatives of governments and experts were brought together to discuss such topics as mobilisation of the private sector to reconstruct infrastructure and boost economic recovery in Ukraine, restoration of social and human capital, resumption of effective activity in municipalities and regions, and Ukraine’s prospects to join the EU.

Ukraine Recovery Conference URC in Berlin.
’Photo taken as Official Photographer’

The chief of Polish diplomacy emphasised that Poland is a leading donor of humanitarian and military aid for Ukraine. He also welcomed the high level of preparation among Polish business representatives to continue their economic activity even in dire circumstances. Minister Sikorski also guaranteed that the government will fully support Polish entrepreneurs ready to take part in restoration and modernisation of Ukraine, pointing for instance at the activity of the National Development Bank, which has been providing necessary assistance to enterprises operating near the front lines. Together with a loan guarantee programme, these measures allow further fruitful development of the Polish–Ukrainian economic cooperation.

Minister Sikorski was also pleased to note that the Polish company Enforce Medical Technologies received the International Flagship Project Award, granted to 10 best international businesses operating in Ukraine.

The conference focusing on economic recovery and long-term plans for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine is held on 11–12 June 2024 in Berlin.

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