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Minister's Office

The Minister's Office handles matters related to the activity of the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a supreme body of state administration and a member of the Council of Ministers.

It supports the Minister in his or her cooperation with the Polish President, Sejm, Senate, Prime Minister and members of the Council of Ministers, Supreme Audit Office (NIK) and other entities. It coordinates and supervises tasks stemming from the work of the Council of Ministers and the committees of the Council of Ministers. The Office coordinates the drafting of the Minister’s responses to interpellations, Deputies’ questions and requests made by Sejm and Senate committees. It is responsible for organizing the Minister’s visits and meetings. The Office supports the Minister by drafting information materials, speeches and addresses, and oversees the circulation of the Minister’s correspondence. It administers funds which are at the Minister’s disposal.


Director – Cezary Król
Deputy Director – Małgorzata Kopeć
Deputy Director – Karolina Janiak
Deputy Director – Weronika Cebo


Minister's Office
Tel.: +48 22 523 9201
Fax: +48 22 523 9812

The Secretariat of the Secretary of State Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski
Tel.: +48 22 523 9208

The Secretariat of the Secretary of State Andrzej Szejna
Tel.: +48 22 523  9240

The Secretariat of the Undersecretary of State Anna Radwan-Röhrenschef
Tel.: +48 22 523 8281

The Secretariat of the Undersecretary of State Henryka Mościcka-Dendys
Tel.: +48 22 523 7241

The Secretariat of the Undersecretary of State Robert Kupiecki
Tel.: +48 22 523 9756

The Secretariat of the Undersecretary of State Marek Prawda
Tel.: +48 22 523 9317

The Secretariat of the Undersecretary of State Jakub Wiśniewski
Tel.: +48 22 523 8470