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NATO foreign ministers meet informally in Prague


On 30–31 May 2024, Prague hosted the last meeting of heads of diplomacies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Washington. Poland was represented by Minister Radosław Sikorski.

Minister Radosław Sikorski on NATO foreign ministers meeting in Prague

The talks focused on the preparations for NATO’s summit in Washington scheduled for July and allied support for warring Ukraine. The ministers agreed that continued military assistance for Kyiv is a priority today, and talked about the plans of further support and cooperation between NATO and Ukraine. The head of Polish diplomacy argued that the defeat of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is necessary to restore lasting stability in Europe and underlined the need to increase mobilisation in the delivery of military assistance, which – in his opinion – would translate into better security of the eastern flank. Also discussed during the Prague meeting was the progress in strengthening Allied security and NATO’s collective defence, necessary in the face of Russia’s increased hostile activity against its members.

Minister Sikorski stressed that NATO must do its best to prepare for the changing nature of threats posed by Moscow.  Poland’s top diplomat called for support for those European states which are most vulnerable to Russia’s destabilising activity. 



Photo: NATO, Czech Republic Senate


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