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Polish communities abroad fight against the global coronavirus pandemic with the help of Polonia4Neighbours scheme


“This extraordinary time calls for extraordinary attitude and actions. Today, more than ever, we need to stay united and help each other,” Deputy Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk said while thanking the Polish community in the world for their commitment to the Polonia4Neighbours project.


Under the Polonia4Neighbours scheme, the Polish Foreign Ministry lends financial support to assistance projects and actions carried out by Poles living abroad and promotes solidarity with local communities. Polish community organizations, scouting and school associations, as well as churches join local initiatives and come up with their own activities to help others and support their home countries through these difficult times. The deputy MFA chief recalled that Polish scouts in many countries help their neighbours and local communities.

In Canada, the Canadian Polish Congress called on all organisations to support neighbours and lend a hand. Poles living in Canada visit the elderly, run errands, pick up and deliver groceries. In Germany, volunteers from the Polish Catholic Mission organize assistance on the ground and work emergency shifts. In Iceland, Poles support local health workers, including emergency medical services. The Polish ambassador to Iceland called on Poles with medical background, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists and paramedics, who do not work in their professions, to sign up as volunteers in the local health care sector. There was a lot of positive feedback on his appeal.

It should also be emphasized that many Polish doctors working in hospitals all over the world are involved in the selfless fight against the pandemic.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to thank all Poles across the world who are engaged in helping others and encourages everyone to join the Polonia4Neighbours project.


MFA Press Office