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Polish Honorary Consulate opens in Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein


Secretary of State Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk has started the process of opening new missions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein by launching the Polish Honorary Consulate in Schaan. The deputy minister also paid a visit to the Polish Museum in Rapperswil.

Otwarcie nowego Konsulatu Honorowego RP w Księstwie Liechtensteinu

The consulate in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is the first of the newly opened missions. A consulate in Basel will be opened on 9 March and, on the following day, a new building of the Polish Embassy in Bern. “By expanding our missions we will be able to develop our links with Switzerland and its neighbour, Liechtenstein,” said Deputy Minister Szynkowski vel Sęk. The opening ceremony in Liechtenstein was attended by President of the Parliament Albert Frick and Director of the Office for Foreign Affairs Martin Frick.

The visit programme included consultations at the level of deputy ministers to discuss Brexit and cooperation at the UN.

Deputy Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk also visited Rapperswil, where he was briefed on the situation of the Polish Museum, operating since 1870, which now the local municipality plans to close. “Poland supports compromise but points out that the 150-year-old Polish Museum and its name are protected heritage. There is no exception to this rule which protects the Polish Museum at Rapperswil Castle,” he said.


MFA Press Office
