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Statement on Solar Winds Orion cyberattacks



Poland has received with great concern the information provided by the U.S. Government regarding the cyberattacks conducted by the Russian Federation using Solar Winds Orion systems and software Fact Sheet. The impact of these attacks extends beyond the US and affects European countries, among others. The steady increase in malicious activities in cyberspace not only threatens the security and stability of the functioning of individual entities or systems using digital technologies, but also has a harmful impact on societies, economies or governments of many countries.

Poland stands solidary with the United States. Our position is expressed in the statements of NATO and the European Union. We strongly advocate that states, the private sector and individuals adhere to the principles of responsible behavior in cyberspace. This is a position we have consistently presented at the EU, NATO, OSCE, UN and other international organizations. Conducting or supporting malicious cyber activities by states, calls into question their intentions as participants in international processes to strengthen cybersecurity on a global scale.


MFA Press Office